Five standing committees (Worship, Religious, Christian Service, Evangelization and Stewardship) are the norm for pastoral activity within our diocese although additional ones may be formed. The first three, often referred to as commissions, are seen to roughly parallel the three-fold mission of Christ, i.e. Priest, Prophet, and Servant King. Evangelization and Stewardship are initiatives focused to affect all the ministries of the parish. A representative from each standing committee should be available to the Parish Pastoral Council.
For information on the Worship Committee, please contact the committee's chair.
This committee addresses itself to the spiritual needs of the Parish and reflects on ways to foster on-going renewal, prayerful liturgy, and a sense of the presence of God in the life of the Parish. The following ministries and/or organizations fall under this committee.
Extraordinary Minister of Communion: Contact - Fr. Gracious
The function of this ministry is to ensure that the Eucharist is distributed under both the forms of bread and wine in a reverent manner.
To be a Minister of Communion, an individual must be approved by the bishop, and participate in the appropriate training sessions and periodic enrichment experiences.
Lector: Contact - Fr. Gracious
The function of this ministry is to proclaim the Word of God in the Scripture. Additional responsibilities include leading the congregation in the Prayer of the Faithful, making announcements before the beginning of, as well as at the end of, the the liturgy (if needed), and announcing the theme for the liturgy if directed by the Presider.
To be a Lector, an individual must participate in the appropriate training sessions and periodic enrichment experiences.
Altar Server: Contact - Fr. Gracious
The function of this ministry is to assist the other ministers of the liturgy, especially the Presider, so that the service proceeds smoothly. Among their functions are holding the book(s) as the Presider leads the community in prayer, or by offering and returning various objects as they are needed in the worship service.
To be an Altar Server, an individual must complete the first half of the fourth grade and participate in the appropriate training sessions and periodic enrichment experiences.
Usher: Contact - Fr. Gracious
The function of this ministry is to help with seating, collect the offering, and distribute bulletins. They also assist, as needed, with emergencies, and are also available to answer questions for parishioners and guests.
To be an Usher, an individual must participate in the appropriate training sessions and periodic enrichment experiences.
Church Decorating:
Sacred Heart: Contact - Sue Hainault
St. Paul the Apostle: Contact - Maryelyn Geisler
The Committee meets when the major holiday seasons are approaching to discuss, plan and implement decorations for the liturgical celebrations of the church year.
Volunteers are needed for both planning, as well as, the implementation, or hands-on work of decorating for Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, etc. This group makes sure that our Church environment is varied, creative and inspiring.
Eucharistic Adoration: Contact - Mary Ilenich........................................906-337-4668
Music Ministry: Contact - John Kezele or Beth Julio
Prayer groups:
Praise & Worship: Contact - Fr. Gracious
United Hearts of Jesus & Mary Rosary Group: Contact - Antonia Burich
Prayer Chain -
SH: Contact - Mary Ilenich....................................................…906-337-4668
SP: Contact - Denise Maronen................................ .................906-337-2902
PE: Contact - Carol Tallon........................................................906-289-4333
Funeral/ Wake Service Ministers: Contact - Fr. Gracious…...............906-337-0810
For more information on the Religious Education Committee, please contact Chair,
Marilyn Worm at 906-369-0416.
This committee reflects the treasures, which are our Christian faith, and seeks ways to pass that faith on to our children. The committee also promotes an atmosphere among adults of searching for the truth that is the Gospel message of Jesus Christ.
For more information, please contact Debbie Berryman.
In the Sacrament of Confirmation, the baptized person is "sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit" and is strengthened for service to the Body of Christ.
For more information, please contact Debbie Berryman.
For more information on the Christian Service Committee, please contact Chair,
Antonia Burich at 906-369-5791.
This committee is responsible for serving the needs of the parish community and for responding to the needs of the neighborhood and civic community. Services such as visiting the sick in the hospital, nursing home, or in their own homes, direct assistance for the poor, support groups, outreach, letter writing on issues to legislators, action on social justice issues and educational programs on issues fall within the responsibility of this committee. An equally important role for this committee includes outreach services to and beyond the neighborhood, particularly to the poor.
Funeral Luncheon
Funerals are important occasions for our Parish family to be a loving, compassionate presence to grieving families and friends at a time when they need it most. Many times, families would like to greet and spend some time with visiting family and friends following the Funeral Mass and return from the cemetery.
Those who volunteer to help at funeral luncheons see firsthand how grateful the families are and that the people who attend can feel the love and compassion extended to them by the parishioners.
Please remember that participation in this Ministry is easy and rewarding. If you are willing and able to become a part of this important service and thus become a visible sign of God’s Mercy to our brothers and sisters, please call Debbie in the office at 337-0810, give your name and phone number, and you will be contacted by one of the funeral luncheon co-coordinators. Thank you in advance for your willingness and ministry.
Funeral Luncheons by Building -
SH: Contact - Cindy Bonenfant & Joan Stark
SP: Contact - Sharon Rozich
PE: Contact - Judy Ensley
Milestone Recognitions (Wedding & Birthdays, 80+ Birthday Visits):
Contact - Fr. Gracious
Community Outreach (A.A., Community Meal, CLK Council of Churches):
Contact - Deacon Art Stancher….....................................................906-369-0596
CLK Food Pantry Donations:
mailing address: PO Box 415, Calumet MI 49913
physical address: Christ Episcopal Church, 57031 5th St., Calumet, MI 49913
Transportation: Contact -Knights of Columbus……………………..……906-337-6424
(Press '2', when prompted, to reach the K of C voicemail.)
Hospitality (Kitchen) by Building:
SH:Contact - Jocelyn Petaja
SP:Contact -
Community Picnic: Contact - The Parish Council
Volunteer Appreciation: Contact - Debbie Berryman
Knights of Columbus: Contact -Joe Snow
St. Vincent de Paul: Contact - Karyn King
Sacred Heart Court 517: Contact - Antonia Burich
Fall Festival Committee: Contact - David Crowley
For more information on the Evangelization Committee, please contact the parish office.
Because Evangelization is the essential mission of the Church, this committee has been mandated to help “Catholics grow in enthusiasm for their faith and freely share it with others who upon experiencing the Good News are converted to Jesus and join in promoting the dignity of the human person and transforming society.” (Go and Make Disciples, Bishops’ Committee on Evangelization). The focus of the Evangelization Committee is, therefore, to make and nourish disciples. It assists the parish and the council to include evangelization as a dimension of every parish activity and ministry.
Welcome Committee For New Members: Contact - The Parish Office
Outreach to Inactive Catholics: Contact - The Parish Office
Widow's Group: Contact - Father Gracious
RCIA (Rite of Catholic Initiation for Adults): Contact - Dave Geisler or Pam Carlton
ALPHA and Rescue Project: Contact - Debbie Berryman
Bible Study: Contact - Pam Carlton
Respect Life: Contact - The Parish Office
Parish Mission and Retreat: Contact - Father Gracious…...............906-337-0810
House Blessings: Contact - Father Gracious
Prayer Shawl Ministry: Contact - Joann Feeley.............................….906-337-0027
Ministry to the Homebound, Hospitalized, & Nursing Homes: Contact -
Fr. Gracious....................................................................................906-337-0810
Religious Readings: Contact - Debbie Berryman…...........................906-337-0810
Ministers of Mercy to the Dying: Contact ..................... 906-281-5198
Church Tours: Contact - David Geisler
For more information on the Stewardship Committee, please contact the Chair.
The focus of this committee is to encourage Stewardship as a disciple’s response. (Stewardship: A Disciple’s Response, Bishops’ Committee on Stewardship). This committee not only promotes the use of the community's Time, Talent, and Treasure to serve the parish, but also encourages the Parish Pastoral Council to practice stewardship as a part of the parish mission. It helps others to recognize stewardship as a model for Christian living rather than a program solely to serve the needs of the church. This committee may be made up of members representing the other committees.
Capital Campaign: - Jnt. Finance Council
Scholarships: - Jnt. Finance Council
UPCSA by Building: - Jnt. Finance Council
Tithing and Charitable Giving: - Jnt. Finance Council
Community Volunteer Service: - Jnt. Finance Council